Term Dates 2025


(Please note there will be other dates added to this calendar)


Term 1

Wednesday 5 February - Friday 11 April

Wednesday 5 February - Year 7

Friday 7 February - Whole School

5 February (New students orientation Year 7 and other     new students to the College)

6 February Waitangi Day

7 February School Timetable Begins for all students

Term 2

Monday 28 April - Friday 27 June

Monday 28 April - Staff Only Day

Monday 2 June - King's Birthday

Friday 20 June - Matariki

Term 3

Monday 14 July - Friday 19 September

Monday 14 July - Staff Only Day 

Friday 29 August - Mid Term Break (College Closed)


Term 4

Monday 6 October - Tuesday 9 December

Monday 27 October - Labour Day