Katikati College Student Expectations

Any time students are in the Katikati College Uniform, whether during or out of school hours and while representing the College on the sports field or at other events, the same expectations of behaviour apply.

During the hours of 8.30 - 3.05 Monday to Friday there is an expectation that all Katikati College students will be in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing.  When this does not occur and there is no legitimate reason for their actions, an appropriate consequence will be given.


Students are expected to attend school regularly and be in the right place, at the right time, with the right gear, doing the right thing. MARK values system of Manaakitanga, Ako, Rangatiratanga, Kotahitanga.  Please also refer to the MARK Expectations Framework.


Expectations apply in all classrooms.  Classes and teachers may also work together to unpack our MARK expectations and co-construct what they look like, sound like and feel like in their learning environment.

a)  In fine weather all students should be outside before school, at interval, lunchtime and after school.

b)  On wet days students are permitted to remain in wet weather rooms.  If normal classrooms are unavailable, the hall is provided as an alternative. Individuals are required to act in a responsible manner. Those students making poor choices in behaviour will lose the privilege of being inside a classroom and risk being banned from rooms in wet weather.

c)  Respect for our learning environment should be demonstrated at all times. This includes all classrooms and corridors.  

Out of Bounds Areas: details are issued to students at the beginning of the year.

a)  All specialist rooms, e.g. workshops and laboratories

b)  Assembly hall and hall stage

c)  Garden areas and staff car park

d)  Behind the gymnasium and classrooms on the eastern and western boundaries

e)  The perimeter of the fields

f)   The gully at the back of the school field

g)  Dairy across the road (with the exception of Year 13 students)

h)  Cricket nets and behind Hockey turf


Passes are issued in the following circumstances:

a)  Out-of-class passes or written notes are available from any teacher for students passing between rooms, going to the toilet or doing messages during lesson time.

b)  Lunch passes are available from the Principal on receipt of a note from parents. They allow town students to travel home for lunch. They do not permit students to travel to town at lunchtimes.

c)  Lunchtime swimming passes are available from Mr. Walter; (special conditions apply).

d)  Town passes can only be granted by the Form Teacher on receipt of a note from parents/caregivers. Students may only go into town if they have an appointment with a doctor, dentist or physiotherapist, to pick up a prescription from the chemist or for matters concerning a driver’s license. They must use the sign-in/sign-out tablet in the Student Office. Every effort should be made to make appointments outside of school time.

e)  Year 13 students are allowed to go to the corner dairy at interval and lunchtime only, NOT during school time.



a)  The usual rules of courtesy, responsibility and care apply to students on all buses. When students do not meet expectations the use of the bus service may be temporarily or permanently removed.  All reports of bullying or unacceptable behaviour on the bus are taken very seriously.

b)  Students travelling to school by bus are expected when they arrive at school to enter and remain on school grounds.

c)  All buses will leave from Katikati College at 3.15pm.

Behaviour expectations

a)  No vandalism of school property.

b)  No running in the corridors.

c)  No chewing gum.

d)  No riding bikes in school grounds.

e)  No skateboards.

f)   No verbal or physical abuse.

g)   Scooters are only to be used in designated areas.  Wearing a helmet is encouraged.

h)  No liquor or drugs. No student may consume liquor or take drugs, be in possession of liquor or drugs, or be present after having consumed liquor or drugs, at any function held under the control of the College, or when representing the College. 

IMPORTANT: Being in possession or using drugs is against the law, and any students associated with drugs on our College grounds will also be referred to the police.  Consuming Alcohol under 18  years of age is against the law and students or adults who bring alcohol onto school grounds will receive appropriate consequences.

i)  No Smoking or Vaping on school grounds by anyone, at any time.  We are a smoke free school.  Students      caught smoking on school grounds or around the school boundaries will have appropriate consequences given.

j)   Students are reminded to take care of their environment, both buildings and grounds.

k)   Students are expected to remain on school grounds at all times

l)  Students’ behaviour contributes to a positive, predictable, consistent and safe environment. Any behaviour not supporting this will be addressed and consequences allocated accordingly.


Information on use of mobile phones at Katikati College 2024

The Government has introduced regulations that require all state and state-integrated schools and kura to have student phone rules in use. International research indicates some key challenges with mobile phones at school such as being a major distraction for our students. By implementing these regulations, Katikati College aims to foster a focussed and conducive learning environment for all students.

Our approach is “away for the day”, this means that mobile phones are not seen at school. Our preference is that mobile phones are not brought to school. However, I appreciate that with after school commitments, it is helpful for students to be contactable. If your child does need to have their mobile phone with them, then it needs to be turned off and in their school bag.

It is important to note that if students do make the decision to bring a mobile phone to the school grounds, they do so at their own risk. The College is not responsible for any loss or damage caused to any mobile phone, ear pods, smart watches etc.  If a parent or caregiver needs to contact their child urgently during the day, they should call the school office. If a student needs to contact a parent or their employer they can use the phone at the student office (there is no charge to the student).

Mobile phones ‘away for the day’ expectations

If students choose to not follow the expectations the College behavioral framework will be followed.
Mobile phones ‘away for the day’ exemptions:

a)  Health and emergency situations
     In matters related to a student's immediate health and safety concerns, a parent or caregiver can
     apply at any time to the principal for a period of exemption (e.g. medical conditions or protection
     issues). Any request needs to be supported by appropriate documentation.

b) Education outside the classroom (EOTC)
    Students may take certain digital devices on EOTC activities but should check whether their device is
    allowed before the activity commences. Usage will be at the discretion of teachers and other adult

c) Year 13 Students
    Year 13 students will be allowed to use their mobile phones when they are in the Year 13 common
    room during study, interval and lunch.
    Please note with all exemptions and exceptions appropriate usage guidelines and other relevant
    school rules still apply.



At Katikati College we work in conjunction with parents to ensure that our uniform code and expectations are met. The correct school uniform is to be worn at school and at all school-related functions.

This includes:

  • The normal school day 8.30 - 3.05
  • School Exams (Senior and Junior School Exams, NCEA Exams)
  • During PE lessons. Correct PE uniform is expected
  • While representing the school in sports teams


Link to Uniform Shop


Year 7 - 10 Boys and Girls 

  • Regulation green/black polo shirt
  • Long sleeve black thermal if needed during winter
  • Regulation College black pants, shorts, skirts or lavalava
  • Regulation black jacket
  • Flat black shoes or sandals with straps (no brand signs or symbols).  Sandals should have a buckle and do not need to have a back strap
  • Black socks (no brand signs or symbols)
  • Regulation P.E. top with own black sports shorts


Year 11 and 12 Boys and Girls (Compulsory)

  • Regulation striped blouse/shirt
  • Either regulation black pants, shorts, skirts or lavalava
  • Regulation black jacket
  • Flat black shoes or sandals with straps (no brand signs or symbols).  Sandals should have a buckle and do not need to have a back strap
  • Black socks (no brand signs or symbols)
  • Regulation tie and blazers for representative and formal occasions 


Common Items

  • Regulation sunhat, cap and beanie – no other hats are to be worn (hats will be removed inside)
  • Scarves may be worn in Terms 2 and 3 only. They are required to be black, College green, black and College green or the official College scarf.


Girls -       

  • Plain black pantyhose (winter)



  • College jackets may be worn both in and outdoors throughout the year. Non College jackets are not permitted.
  • First Team jackets may not be worn by students unless on the day of a sporting fixture.
  • Regulation school uniforms or sports uniforms must be worn when travelling.

All items of clothing are the responsibility of the student and should be named.


Facial Piercings

Students are allowed to have a clear, plastic spacer in their facial piercings.

No Facial Hair

Students are expected to be clean shaven at all times. Those students unable to shave facial hair due to cultural or religious beliefs need to speak to their Dean/Senior Leader for an exemption.  Students who come to school with facial hair will be offered a razor to remedy the situation.


We want students to have pride in themselves. This includes having a high level of personal presentation, (clean and tidy appearance).

The only jewellery to be worn is a watch, one necklace, one ring and a pair of earrings. The earrings should be studs or sleepers.  All jewellery brought/worn to school is the responsibility of the student.

If for some reason the correct uniform cannot be worn, then the student needs to go to their Dean. There are NO UNIFORM PASSES unless the student has a medical certificate.  These must be applied for through the principal, email [email protected] 

Purchasing Uniform

The College has a uniform shop on site and the opening hours are able to be checked on their website.


Expectations from our Year 13 Students 2024

Year 13 students do not have to wear school uniform but they do have to follow the dress code expectations.

As a guideline, students should wear clothing that would be acceptable in a general work place.   e.g. if you can see up it, down it, or through it, it is not acceptable.  Singlets are not allowed for male or female students.  All shirts must have sleeves.  Nothing low cut or see through, no midriffs visible.

The discreet use of make-up, nail varnish and jewellery is permitted.

The following items are NOT acceptable:

  • Clothing with offensive images, messages or advertising
  • Patched, ripped, shabby or worn-out jeans.
  • Brief shorts, must be just above the knee.
  • Students are allowed to have a clear, plastic spacer in their facial piercings. Ear piercings should be discreet – stretchers are not permitted.
  • For Girls: See-through, low-cut, halter, singlet, or thin-strapped tops on dresses or as separates, or revealing a bare midriff.
  • For Boys: Sleeveless singlets/shirts (all shirts must have sleeves).

Students are only permitted to wear Katikati College caps or beanies.  No other hats are allowed.

The College reserves the right to determine what is offensive or unacceptable.

Failure to meet these expectations will result in students receiving consequences at the College’s discretion.